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ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identification) is an open, not-for-profit organisation that aims to supply a persistent and unique identifier - an ORCID ID - to any individual involved in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.

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Increase your visibility
Why you should use ORCID
  • Link all your publications with one unique persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher.   
  • Research outputs uploaded to the NWU-IR (Boloka) are automatically pushed to the author's ORCID record.
  • You can add all your other publications through Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science.
  • Link your ORCID account to every research item you publish so people can easily track or locate your other research outputs.


How to create your ORCID on the NWU Manuscript System
Step 1: Register for an ORCID
Step 2:  Add your info
  • Complete your profile by adding a biography, additional email addresses (including ones used previously), name variants, affiliations, and keywords to make it discoverable.
  • Privacy settings can be changed for different aspects of the ORCID record, such as who can view the Biography, Education and Employment history. 
  • Existing outputs can be added to your ORCID record using search and link tools, which provide integrations between ORCID and various external platforms. 
  • Outputs that are not automatically linked can be added manually or imported using BibTex files.
  • Click here for instructions on adding Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar publications to your ORCID profile.
  • Funding information can be manually added to the ORCID record or through the provided search and link tool.
  • Log in periodically to update changes to the ORCID record.
Step 3: Use your ORCID iD
  • Include your ORCID ID wherever possible. When submitting outputs, grant applications, or other research, scholarship, and innovation activities, include it on any personal websites you might have. 
  • You can also include it in your CV, social media platforms, and even as part of your email signature.
  • Existing identifiers from other providers can be linked to the ORCID record, such as Elsevier Author Profile and Web of Science ResearcherID. Contact our Research and Open Scholarship Librarians with any questions or comments. 

Recognising the importance of research visibility and discoverability, author disambiguation, and increased funder and publisher requirements for ORCID iDs, the NWU became an ORCID member institution, making it possible to integrate existing NWU systems with the ORCID registry.

Central to the NWU-ORCID integration is the NWU Manuscript system, which was created to facilitate creating (new) or linking (existing) ORCID IDs while granting the NWU permission to push updates to the individuals' ORCID records.

The NWU Institutional Repository (NWU-IR) was the first integration with the NWU manuscript systems. Research outputs uploaded to the NWU-IR are automatically pushed to the ORCID record of the author(s) of the output.
