CAB Abstracts
  • NWU staff and registered students only This link opens in a new window
CAB Abstracts CAB Abstracts
  • NWU staff and registered students only This link opens in a new window

Alternate Name(s):
CAB Direct / Global Health
Access Modes:
On campus: No password needed. Off-campus: Use CAS username and password.
Permitted Uses:
Authorized Users: Academics, staff, students and walk-in users
Copying: Systematic copying expressly prohibited
Downloads: May download and save limited portions
Interlibrary Loan: Only electronic format may be requested via ILL
Licence: No articles may be supplied to non-NWU users
Max. Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
Printing: May print single copies for personal use only
Sharing: Limited sharing for scholarly puposes
Use: Use for non-commercial purposes only
Faculty Librarians
Training videos:
YouTube videos

CAB Abstracts (1973 to Present), produced by CABI Publishing, covers the significant research and development literature in the applied life sciences, including agriculture, forestry, human nutrition, veterinary medicine and the environment. 
