DaYta Ya Rona
Altmetrics Software/Tools
  • NWU staff and registered students only This link opens in a new window
DaYta Ya Rona DaYta Ya Rona
Altmetrics Software/Tools
  • NWU staff and registered students only This link opens in a new window

Alternate Name(s):
Access Modes:
On campus: No password needed. Off-campus: Use CAS username and password.
Research Visibility and Impact
Support: Research:
Contact your Research and Open Scholarship Librarians for assistance.
Training videos:
YouTube videos

DaYta Ya Rona is the research data repository of the North-West University.

More Info
  • Figshare is an online repository where users can make their research outputs available.
  • You can upload any file format to be previewed in the browser, from posters, presentations, datasets, and codes.
  • Data can be shared privately with collaborators to comply with funder and publisher mandates or made public in the name of open research.
  • Open up your research so new audiences can find, share and cite it.
  • All research outputs made public receive a DOI, making them citable with the most liberal Creative Commons license where possible.