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DBAT: Digital Bibliography of Afrikaans Linguistics
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DBAT: Digital Bibliography of Afrikaans Linguistics DBAT: Digital Bibliography of Afrikaans Linguistics
  • Internet

Alternate Name(s):
Digitale Bibliografie van die Afrikaanse Taalkunde / BATL / DBAT
Prof Adri Breed
User Guide:


The Digital Bibliography of Afrikaans Linguistics (DBAT) is a comprehensive database of Afrikaans linguistics and language-related sources. It was officially launched on May 24, 2010, and currently, about 18,000 linguistic resources can be found in this catalogue. The catalogue is based on the digital Bibliography of Dutch Language and Literature Science (BNTL).

Die Digitale Bibliografie van die Afrikaanse Taalkunde (DBAT) is 'n omvattende databasis van Afrikaanse taalkundebronne en taalverwante bronne. Hierdie katalogus is op 24 Mei 2010 amptelik bekendgestel, en tans is daar ongeveer 18 000 taalkundebronne op hierdie katalogus te vinde. Die katalogus is geskoei op die digitale Bibliografie van de Nederlandse Taal- en Literatuurwetenschap (BNTL).

More Info

The DBAT is managed by the NWU's Subject Group, Afrikaans and Dutch, and is updated weekly.
