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LibKey Nomad: Browser Extensions
  • NWU Staff and Registered Students ONLY
LibKey - Nomad LibKey Nomad: Browser Extensions
  • NWU Staff and Registered Students ONLY

Alternate Name(s):
LibKey Nomad
Access Modes:
On campus: No password needed. Off-campus: Use CAS username and password.
Faculty Librarians
Support: Research:
Research and Open Scholarship Librarians
Training videos:
How to use and download the browser extension.


The browser extension connects you to our library's content from the open web, such as journal publisher sites or Wikipedia.

More Info

What do the LibKey access buttons mean?
  • Download PDF - This takes you directly to the PDF article.
  • Article Link - The library does not have access to the direct PDF link. In this case, the button will take you to a publisher page in case of open access or to the record of the article's database, where you can click on the full text. This can be because:
    • The publisher only has a .html copy and not a PDF copy.
    • Journal aggregators (platforms) like EBSCO or Proquest do not yet support direct PDF linking.
  • Access Options - The library does not have immediate access to this article. It takes you to a page where you can access it via Interlibrary Loan.
    LibKey Manuscript pdf button example 
  • Manuscript PDF - Usually delivers an Open Access document; if there is no open access document, it provides a green open access document. This can be from an Institutional Repository or a pre-published version.