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Featured Newspapers/Magazines
  • NWU Staff and Registered Students ONLY
PressReader PressReader
Featured Newspapers/Magazines
  • NWU Staff and Registered Students ONLY

Access Modes:
CAS username and password
Faculty Librarians


PressReader provides access to newspapers and magazines, including the Sunday Times, The Citizen, Good Housekeeping, Destiny, finweek, Huisgenoot, Sowetan, Elle, Mail & Guardian, and Cosmopolitan.

More Info

You can access PressReader via your computer or mobile app.

How to log on:
  • Always use the PressReader link on the Library web page. It has a built-in proxy address that will recognise you as a registered student/staff member.
  • First-time users must authenticate via their computer before they use the mobile app. After that, you can read newspapers and magazines via the PressReader App on your phone if that is your preference.
  • PressReader offers offsite access to the platform. That means you can use PressReader after leaving the University premises for seven days via the App. After seven days, you need to re-authenticate via your computer from the library page (authentication via your computer from the Library web page will also work off-campus). If you read PressReader via your computer, using the PressReader link on the Library web page is unnecessary to re-authenticate.