South African Regional Explorer
South African Regional Explorer

Alternate Name(s):
ReX / ReX Global Insight / Global Insight Regional Explorer Service / Regional Explorer
Access Modes:
Available on all devices pre-loaded with the Citrix software, e.g. Lab computers.
Permitted Uses:
Max. Simultaneous Users: 10 users

South Africa Regional Explorer consolidates a wide range of data sources such as Statistics South Africa, South African Reserve Bank, South African Revenue Services, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Department of Mineral Resources, South African Petroleum Industry Association, National Electricity Regulator, and Eskom, Government departments – including the National Treasury and the DTI, various development agencies, selected private research houses, and many more.

More Info
  • Product provided by IT Services
    • The product is installed on Citrix-compliant devices and should be available on the Information Commons and Lab computers. Contact your Student IT Support to access Citrix on your device.