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LibKey Tools
  • NWU Staff and Registered Students ONLY
LibKey LibKey Tools
  • NWU Staff and Registered Students ONLY

Access Modes:
On campus: No password needed. Off-campus: Use CAS username and password.
Faculty Librarians
Support: Research:
Research and Open Scholarship Librarians
Training videos:
Information video


LibKey is an API that works with NWU Libraries subscriptions to provide quick, one-click access to full-text journal articles. The Library subscribes to the LibKey Suite, which includes BrowZine,, LibKey Nomad, LibKey Discovery, and LibKey Link.

More Info

LibKey products
  • BrowZine - BrowZine is our virtual scholarly journal platform where you can browse, read, and monitor the online journals we subscribe to.
  • - DOI/PMID Lookup provides users quick access to a paper by searching via DOI or PMID.
  • LibKey Nomad - The browser extension connects you to our library's content from the open web, such as journal publisher sites or Wikipedia.
  • LibKey Discovery - LibKey Discovery integrates into our WorldCat Discovery Service, introducing new links and data elements to enhance the researcher's workflow and providing one-click access to PDFs.  Installed by the Library, users do not have to install anything or do any configurations.
  • LibKey Link - Uses link resolvers to ensure one-click to PDFs in PubMed/Google Scholar using simple integration. Installed by the Library, users do not have to install anything or do any configurations.