It is a central repository for records harvested from the institutional repositories of several Southern African and African institutions. Links to the full text are included.
This is a digital archive that collects, preserves and distributes research material created by members of NWU. The NWU-IR aims to increase the visibility, availability and impact of the research output of the North-West University through Open Access, search engine indexing and harvesting by several initiatives.
The Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) repository holds full-text theses and dissertations submitted for higher degrees at the University (including submissions from former Cape Technikon and Peninsula Technikon).
DSpace is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material.
Dating from 1919-2014. Contains current and completed projects (in economics, science and humanities), and includes (the master’s and doctoral) theses and dissertations from South African Universities, Technikons, and Universities of Technology, as well as the research, works from the government, non-government, and private sectors. Some include links to the full text. The database is maintained by the National Research Foundation.
Open Scholar is the institutional repository of Durban University of Technology. As far as possible, it provides open access to the academic output of the University.
KovsieScholar is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. Repositories are necessary tools for preserving an organisation's legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication.
Current and completed research undertaken in what used to be South African Technikons - updated daily. Disclaimer: Only records catalogued by their institutions on WorldCat (subfield 653 $aNavTech) are available.
The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs).
With EBSCO Open Dissertations, institutions and students are offered an innovative approach to driving additional traffic to ETDs in institutional repositories.
The Sol Plaatje University Institutional Repository (Openhub) is an open digital archive of scholarly intellectual and research outputs. The SPU-Openhub collects, preserves and distributes research material created by the SPU Research community.
OpenUCT is the open-access institutional repository of the University of Cape Town (UCT). It preserves and makes UCT scholarly outputs digitally and freely available, including theses and dissertations, journal articles, book chapters, technical and research reports, as well as open educational resources.
The ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDT) ™ database is the world's most comprehensive curated collection of multidisciplinary dissertations and theses from around the world. It offers over 5 million citations and 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities.
ResearchSpace is the institutional repository of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, unlocking knowledge, empowering impact, and preserving UKZN's research legacy.
The SEALS Digital Commons contains the digital collections of academic institutions in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.
SUNScholar is a leading digital archive for the preservation and promotion of the research output of Stellenbosch University.
The University of Johannesburg Institutional Repository (UJ IR) is an open-access repository that aims to collect, preserve, and showcase the research output produced, affiliated or owned by the University of Johannesburg for a global audience.
The University of Limpopo's Institutional archives provide open access to digitised special collections and research materials of the University and affiliated institutes.
The University of Mpumalanga (UMP) Open Scholarship is an Open Access (OA) digital service that collects, preserves and disseminates research output of all academic, research, administrative staff and post-graduate students at UMP.
Bibliographic records of theses and dissertations on Master’s and Doctoral level submitted to South African universities since 1918 – updated daily.
The Unisa Institutional Repository (UnisaIR)is an open digital archive of the University of South Africa's scholarly intellectual and research outputs. It contains and preserves theses and dissertations, research articles, conference papers, rare and special materials, and many other digital assets.
The Venda Institutional Repository is an open digital archive of the University of Venda's research output. Univen IR contains theses and dissertations, research papers, and conference papers.
The Institutional Repository of the University of Pretoria is an open access electronic archive collecting, preserving and distributing digital materials created, owned and hosted by the University of Pretoria.
This repository serves as a digital archive for the preservation of research / scholarly output / publications from the University of the western Cape.