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Chemistry: Home - Welcome!

Welcome to the LibGuide for Chemistry, Chemical and Mineral Engineering & Biochemistry. This Library Guide will provide you with a One Stop service to assist you in your studies or research at the NWU.

Library Services

Lighter side of Chemistry

Big bang chemistry lesson

Library Introduction

Famous quotes, famous sayings

It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion – it is easy in solitude to live after your own; but the great man is he who, in the midst of the world, keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Forbes Book of Business Quotations

... and like the drifting wind, hitting against no obstacle, we'd never know its speed, its power.  It is only when we come up against an obstruction that we can see people's strength. Woody Guthrie


I would like to extend an invitation, to those who are interested, to attend a training session at the Natural Sciences Library (G1, K301), Potchefstroom Campus. The purpose of the training session is to provide you with information on the use of all the library facilities available. The duration of the session is approximately 45 minutes, during which I will show you where to find scientific information in reliable academic resources (rather than simply relying on Google). The only prerequisites are that you come in groups of 3-5, and that you make an appointment beforehand. This information will be significantly beneficial to you in terms of researching your respective assignments and projects. I hope to see you all soon in the Natural Sciences Library!

Search in the Library Collection and Beyond

South Africa E-learning Platform via Snapplify -  Follow the instructions in this PDF document.

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Library Hours