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Research Visibility and Impact: Broadening your impact

This guide entails of research support services for NWU researchers

Researcher profiles

Researcher profiles


There are several ways one can increase research visibility and impact:

How do you create a researcher profile account?

Open Researcher and Contributor ID

A tool that offers a solution to the author's name and misidentification by providing persistent unique IDs for researchers.

Benefits of having an ORCID iD

  • Avoid misidentification
  • Facilitate the interoperable exchange of information—integrates with numerous bibliographic databases, platforms, profiling tools, manuscript submission systems, funder grant workflows, and research repositories.
  • ID is linked to all research activities
  • Scholarly work is discovered
  • Identification by potential collaborators
  • Sharing of ID with others 
  • Another added benefit is the ORCID advancement has been integrated with numerous systems.
  • More benefits for researchers
  • Short video on ORCID 

How to create an ORCID account?

Step 1: ORCID account

  • Create an ORCID account
  • Add additional names under "also known as"
  • Add and link websites and social links – this allows the researcher to add and link to social media pages like personal websites, Google Scholar, Figshare, ResearchGate, Linkedin, and more.
  • Add emails and make them visible to the public
  • Short videos on how to Register for your ORCID, Edit your name on ORCID
  • Register for an ORCID account

Step 2: Add personal information

  • Add biography
  • Add affiliation (i.e. employer)
  • Add academic credentials like education, qualifications, achievements
  • Add funding information
  • Add membership or service association
  • A short video on how to add personal information

Step 3: Add works or publications to your ORCID

Add works or publications from Scopus to ORCID

  • Use search and link wizard
  • Publications can be pulled from Crossref, DataCite, and Scopus/Elsevier databases.
  • Connect the ORCID account with the Scopus account and import publications from Scopus to ORCID.
  • Here is How to add publications from Scopus into ORCID
  • Notes from the guide provide illustrative examples of how to add publications from Scopus

Add works or publications from Google Scholar to ORCID

  • Follow the steps in this guide
  • Please note that the file downloaded from Google Scholar will be listed under your downloads.

How do you add works or publications manually?

  • Follow the easy steps in this guide.

Step 4: Reset ORCID password, update ORCID records and delete duplicate ORCID iD

Step 5: Add ORCID iD icon and link to your email signature

  • Sign in to ORCID, scroll to Display formats and copy the full green ORCID circle icon. Example:
  • Right-click and copy the ORCID icon and paste it into your email signature
  • Copy the ORCID URL and paste it next to the icon
  • Click save changes

How to Create a Google Scholar Profile

Google Scholar

It is widely used by scientists as it tracks and provides citations and metrics. Researchers affiliated with North-West University have created Google Scholar Profiles. Google Scholar profile helps preserve and enhance the global visibility of the research output of postgraduate students, early career researchers, and eminent and even deceased scholars. Below are the steps to create a Google Scholar Profile account

Step 1: Create an account 

  • If you have a Gmail account, this becomes pretty easy
  • Log on to, click on my profile in the top menu, and set up the account
  • Add personal details like name, affiliation, email, subject keywords relevant to your field of research, add university web link, 
  • Select automatic update for the latest articles to be added to your profile
  • Make your profile public 

Step 2: Add publications

  • Articles get listed immediately after completing Step 1
  • To add more publications to your profile, click the + sign and select "add articles." 
  • Search and add publications using different options like names, publication titles, and keywords.
  • In the search result list, use the check box on the left and in the top menu to select and add publications to your profile.

Step 3: Watch the video on how to create a Google Scholar Profile

Step 4: Congratulations!

  • Now that you have created an account, you should be able to see:
    • Number of citations from your papers
    • h-index
    • Co-authors, if not listed, edit and add co-authors

Step 5: Clean up your Google Scholar Profile account

  • Edit publication details like journal titles, article titles, book and chapter titles, authors, date, volume, issues, and pagination.
  • Delete or merge duplicates so that you don't lose citations

Browse through existing Google Scholar Profiles

Scopus Author Identifier


  • This 11th-digit Author identifier is assigned automatically to authors who publish with Elsevier.
  • Through Scopus Author Identifier, authors can view their research areas, track peer-reviewed work, publish and cite information (learn more about Scopus citations and other types of metrics), name variations, affiliation and more.
  • You can view your citations and h-index using the author feedback wizard and learn more about Scopus citations, how the h-index is calculated, and more.
  • Scopus ID distinguishes authors with similar names and makes it easy to identify multiple profiles.
  • Authors can merge multiple profiles
  • Connect your ORCID through the Scopus Author Identifier

How to create and connect Scopus Author Identifier?

Publons, previously Web of Science ResearcherID

Publons and Clarivate


  • Web of Science ResearcherID is now on Publons.
  • Publons track publications, citation information, peer reviews and journal editing work into a profile
  • Publications are immediately imported from Web of Science through ORCID or a bibliographic reference manager like EndNote or Mendeley

How do you create a Publons Profile? Watch this video:


Browse through existing profiles.