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NWU Harvard Referencing Guide

Based on the NWU Referencing Guide.

Government publications

1. Government Gazette

National Government publishes the Government Gazette to communicate messages of national importance to the general public. Several types of government documents are published in the Government Gazette, like notices, regulations, bills, proclamations etc.


Harvard referencing government gazette


President of the Republic of South Africa. 2019. National Prosecuting Authority Act (32/1998): establishment of an Investigating Directorate in the Office of the National Director of Public Prosecutions. (Proclamation no. 20 of 2019). Government Gazette, 42383:4-5, 4 Apr.

Text reference:
(President of the Republic of South Africa, 2019:4).

2. Provincial Gazette

As is the case with the Government Gazette, provincial government documents like notices and ordinances, are published in the
Provincial Gazette.

City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality. 2016. Waste management bylaw. (Notice 1393 of 2016). Provincial Gazette, 274:209-241, 24 Aug.

Text reference:
(City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, 2016:210).