Welcome to the subject guide for the School of Accounting Sciences. This LibGuide will help you to find relevant academic information on your topic. If you struggle to find information you're welcome to contact your Faculty Librarian for assistance.
Follow these steps to start searching:
1. Identify your search terms
2. Find synonyms or alternative words to search
3. Choose your database to search in under the Articles/Journals tab
4. Find books, e-books, theses/dissertations under the Books tab
5. Find subject-related data under the Subject Databases tab
6. For research related info like EndNote, Accredited journals, Interlibrary Loans etc. go to the Research Support tab
7. Training videos and links are available under the Training tab
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ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identification) is an open, not-for-profit organisation that aims to supply a persistent and unique identifier - an ORCID ID - to any individual involved in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
Articles in Accredited Journals are recognised research outputs which meet specified criteria and, therefore, qualify for subsidisation by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). This database is compiled from the seven lists (2024) on the DHET web page.
Download the plug-in for Word to get language feedback, automatically paraphrase text, and auto-generate your title.
Writefull Cite uses an AI model that evaluates the meaning of all sentences in a text and assesses for each whether it presents non-general knowledge that a reference should support.
Use Writefull Revise to quickly proofread your text, getting language corrections from the best AI. Writefull Revise checks your text for language correctness against millions of published papers.
WorldCat Local lets you find everything you need with one simple search interface. Its a way for you to locate books, articles, journals, videos, and other items of interest in your library or other libraries.
PressReader provides access to 7,000 of the world's top newspapers and magazines, including the Sunday Times, The Citizen, Good Housekeeping, Destiny, finweek, Huisgenoot, Sowetan, Elle, Mail & Guardian, and Cosmopolitan.