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NWU Law House Style Referencing Guide

Based on the NWU Faculty of Law House Style.

Case law

Case law



If reported

1 President of the Republic of South Africa v Hugo 1997 4 SA 1 (CC) para 15.

Bibliography (under the heading "Case law")
President of the Republic of South Africa v Hugo 1997 4 SA 1 (CC)


If unreported

1 Free State Cheetahs (Pty) Limited v Mapoe (O) (unreported) case
number 4587/2010 of 29 September 2010 para 4.
Bibliography (under the heading "Case law")
Free State Cheetahs (Pty) Limited v Mapoe (O) (unreported) case number 4587/2010 of 29 September 2010

(a) The name of a case must be provided in full in the bibliography. Non-essential information such as NO, NNO, and others, and another, amicus curiae must be left out (in the text, footnotes and the bibliography).

(b) In footnote references to cases the specific page number(s) or paragraph number(s) must be provided, for example: Bareki v Gencor Ltd 2006 1 SA 432 (T) 436A-D or para 123. Please see General (J) of this document for the abbreviation of "paragraph" and "paragraphs".

(c) The full reference must be provided when a court case is referenced for the first time (either in the text or in a footnote). After the first full reference it may be abbreviated in brackets whereafter only the abbreviated form should be used in all footnotes and in the text, for example: Bareki v Gencor Ltd 2006 1 SA 432 (T) (hereafter the Bareki case).

(d) The court’s abbreviation should be in the same language as the text of the document.