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NWU Law House Style Referencing Guide

Based on the NWU Faculty of Law House Style.

International law instruments

International law instruments

(a) The NWU Faculty of Law House Style prescribes the citation style of the South African Journal on Human Rights (SAJHR)9 for frequently cited / well-known international law instruments:


1 A 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).

Bibliography (under the heading "International instruments")
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

(b) For less well-known international law instruments, provide the International Legal Materials reference.10 If the last mentioned is not available, provide the United Nations Treaty Series11 reference, or UN Doc, or OAU Doc reference.


1 United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporation (1984) 23 ILM 626.
2 Resolution on an International Development Strategy for the Third UN Development Decade GA Res 35/56, UN Doc A35/56 (1981) par 156.

Bibliography (under the heading "International instruments")
United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporation (1984) 23 ILM 626

Resolution on an International Development Strategy for the Third UN Development Decade GA Res 35/56, UN Doc A35/56 (1981)


9 SAJHR date unknown

10 International Legal Materials available at American Society of International Law date unknown

11 United Nations date unknown