Select individual items or use the Select All button to renew multiple items.
(Only selected items visible on the page will be processed for renewal.)
Select All; select all the available items that are visible on the page.
If you have more than 25 items, select the Show More option to display the following 25 items and click the Select All checkbox.
Click on the Renew Items button.
A confirmation window appears with the number of items to renew.
Select Renew to confirm the renewal process. Select Cancel to return to the checkout screen.
A confirmation message will appear at the top of the Checkouts tab indicating which items were renewed and which items could not be renewed.
The Renew option is unavailable for ILL items - contact the ILL Department to renew them.
When an item fails to be renewed, specific error messages appear in the Checkouts tab to help the user take appropriate action to complete the renewal. Note: You cannot renew books if
Your university card has expired
you have a block on your University card
your item has been invoiced for the replacement cost