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Advance Search
- Click Advanced Search below the search bar in your interface to open this screen.

- Here, you can
- Enter search terms in multiple search boxes.
- Select Boolean operators (AND, OR and NOT) between search terms.
- Select indexes from drop-down lists for guided searching.
- Select a database or database group to search.
- Choose indexes from lists presented and based on selected databases.
- Use limits to expand or focus the search before it is performed.

- Search terms entered in the basic search box can be transferred to the advanced search screen by clicking the Advanced Search link in the banner.
- These terms are carried over to the Search Term field on the Advanced Search screen with the default keyword index identified.
- Search terms on the basic search screen can be transitioned to…

- the advanced search screen with search index identified.

- Additional search parameters, indexes, and limits can be added to this query.

- Indexes related to all the searched databases and the most used WorldCat indexes are available for guided searching from the drop/down lists. (Click here for indexes that are not in the drop-down lists.)
- Phrase indexes are included and labelled as such.
- Phrase indexes search for every word from left to right in order.
- For a title phrase, exclude the initial articles, A, AN, THE, and their equivalents in other languages.
- Include all other words or truncate the phrase with the asterisk (*).
- With an author phrase search, enter the name in inverted order, e.g. Smit, A
- Filter limits for Year and Library (Libraries Worldwide, etc.) are always available.
- Search limits are available underneath the search boxes.
- The default database configured in WorldCat Discovery is
- This database includes bibliographic information from WorldCat and citations from authoritative e-content collections.
- Open All Databases for a list of available databases.
- Click the arrow to expand the list:
- Click "Select all in Group" to mark all presented databases,
- Click again to remove all marks.
- Select specific databases to search.
- Click Save Changes to save the selected databases for the search session.
- You can also log in and save your preferred databases.