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WorldCat Discovery A-Z List
- You can use the integrated link resolver and a built-in A-to-Z list when your library's data is in the WorldCat knowledge base.
- This allows you to connect to the full-text content the library subscribes to quickly.
- It also connects you to full-text resources through open-access collections such as Hathi Trust, JSTOR, Project Gutenberg and others.
- Search for articles, eBooks, eBook citations and journals.
- Browse subscription collections and journals A-Z.

- Click on Journal title, Collection name or View Full Text.

- It will take you to the article/journal; you can download or read the article you want online.

- When an article search in the A - Z list contains a DOI and LibKey Discovery returns a full-text link, the link will display as the first link in the A - Z article details page.
- When users navigate to the WorldCat Discovery A - Z list from Google Scholar or any third-party database using OCLC's link resolver, they will see the LibKey Discovery integration display when the integration returns links to View PDF and Explore articles from the issue containing the article or the most recent issue of the journal.