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Search Result Record Display
- The search results include Title, Author(s), and Summary. Choose Show More or Show Less to expand or contract the summary field.
Availability information
- The Availability information for the item includes the Status, Shelving Location, and Call Number.
- When additional copies are available, a Holdings Summary indicates the number of copies and locations holding the item.
- Click on the Holdings Summary to view all the copies and locations where the item is available on the item detail page.

- Additional local copies available for the library are listed under Other Editions and Formats at North-West University Libraries.

- Select the View WorldWide Editions and Formats link on the search result to view a list of additional editions and formats for the item. Use the available filters to narrow the results.
- The View WorldWide Editions and Formats drawer shows the Edition, Format, Year, Language, and Library. The currently selected search result is highlighted amongst the additional results.
- Select the title hyperlink to be taken to the item detail page for the record.