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Borrowing History
- Borrowing history allows users to see a list of materials that they have previously had on loan. Entries are added to the user's history as materials are returned to the library.
- Each user controls the retention and display of their WorldShare Circulation borrowing history. By default, all users are opted out of borrowing history and will be shown an invitation to enable retention when viewing the Borrowing history tab for the first time.
- To enable borrowing history for their account, library users must go to the Profile tab and toggle on the Enable my borrowing history option. Your library's retention period will display in the explanatory text.

- When borrowing history is enabled, bibliographic, item, and usage data are collected and added to the user's borrowing history as items are returned to the collection. The item's title, shelving location, call number, and enumeration will not change in the history even if the bibliographic data is changed or the item is withdrawn from the library's collection.
- Title links to WorldCat Discovery are provided so that your users can view current availability, export bibliographic citation information, or make a hold request. Temporary items and containers will not be hyperlinked.
- The Status column indicates if the item was returned by the user or if the user claimed the material was lost or was never on loan. The Date column indicates when the item was returned to the collection.
- By default, borrowing history will be sorted with the most recently returned item first. The user may alternatively choose to sort the list by Date or Title.